Early Detection of Thyroid Disorders

Early Detection of Thyroid Disorders

Using the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) screening method, Free!

Early Detection of Thyroid Disorders

Raise Program adalah program yang diinisiasi oleh Merck dan bekerjasama dengan Pengurus Besar Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (PB IDI) dan Pengurus Pusat Indonesian Thyroid Association (PP INATA) untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan tingkat diagnosis gangguan hipertiroid dan hipotiroid di Indonesia dalam bentuk edukasi untuk dokter dan skrining untuk populasi berisiko tinggi gangguan tiroid. Pelajarilah lebih lanjut bagaimana gangguan tiroid dapat berdampak kepada kualitas kesehatan Anda dengan melakukan “Pemeriksaan Gejala” dan melakukan skrining Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) di kota terdekat Anda.

Get a TSH Testing Opportunity by a Health Care Provider.

Merck always focuses its efforts on public health where Merck can utilize its expertise to help improve the quality of public health. For screening and diagnosing the risk of thyroid disease, the TSH test is a very important process to find out whether someone is suffering from thyroid disease or not. In this case Merck voluntarily makes donations to non-profit health organizations to provide free TSH tests to the general public or patients. Merck believes that donating TSH tests for patients through PB IDI is a worthy effort and reflects Merck's commitment to society without intending to receive any form of compensation for the donation.

Schedule TSH Screening

Before the TSH test, do a free self-check for symptoms via link here.

Find a test schedule according to your domicile. This TSH examination only takes ± 20 minutes so you can immediately find out your health condition and consult the results with local health workers. Don't delay, get your health checked now.

Upcoming TSH screening

1 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2024
08:00 - 17:00 WIB

Klinik Nurul Izza Makassar

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